
LV-17-005 — Deep Energy Retrofit of Presidio Army Barracks


Conference Proceeding by ASHRAE, 2017



Presidio of Monterey, home to the Defense LanguageInstitute, faces the same challenges as other Army bases inmanaging its aging building stock. More than 25% of thebarracks, for example, were built in the 1960s and lack today'ssafety, comfort, and energy-efficiency standards. In preparingto address the shortfalls of one such Presidio barracks, Building630, the Directorate of Public Works staff worked with theU.S. Army Corps of Engineers to chart a path forward. Ratherthan relying on conventional approaches to infrastructuremodernization, stakeholders decided to craft the military'sfirst documented deep energy retrofit (DER) solution.

The Army defines a DER as “a major building renovationproject in which site energy use intensity (including plug loads)has been reduced by at least 50% from the pre-renovation baselinewith a corresponding improvement in indoor environmentalquality and comfort”(Zhivov et al. 2016). For Presidio,preliminary energy modeling helped set an ambitious butachievable goal of 86% energy savings using a combination ofhigh performance envelope requirements with super-efficient(but commercially available) HVAC and lighting systemsincluding solar hot-water generation sized for 70% of thedomestic load. Ultimately, Presidio will apply the successesand lessons learned of its first DER towards additional retrofitprojects to better align with its mandated net zero energytrajectory. The true value, however, lies in leveraging energysavings as a part of renovation projects aimed at raising thequality of facility conditions to a level commensurate with themission of its occupants.

The goal of this paper is to demonstrate the acquisitionstrategies employed and field lessons learned in an attempt tobetter guide prospective DER project stakeholders. Being afederal facility, this project employed a regimented process toits various contracting phases with some strategic augmentationto support the DER method that is transferable to similarretrofit efforts. As a pilot effort, there have also been manyprocess-based and technical lessons learned that can be usedto bolster future DER work at Presidio, in the Army, andthroughout the sustainability industry.

Citation: 2017 Winter Conference, Las Vegas, NV, Transactions, Vol 123, Pt 1

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