
3777 — Performance Characteristics of Reversible Heat-Activated Systems


Conference Proceeding by ASHRAE, 1994



Reversible thermal systems are analysed for maximum capacity, efficiency, and coefficient of performance (COP). Accounting for the inlet-to-outlet temperature differentials of reservoirs (sources and sinks) indicates limitations on performance due to the finite heat capacity rates of the reservoirs and yields more realistic values of maximum efficiency and COP than analysis based solely on the reservoir inlet temperatures. Accounting for the temperature differentials also indicates that maximum system capacity may not correspond to maximum system efficiency or COP. Analysis, similar to that previously used for power and motor-driven refrigeration systems, is applied to heat-activated systems representing absorption refrigeration systems and combined cycles.

KEYWORDS: performance, properties, coefficient of performance, reversing, heat pumps, chillers, absorption refrigeration, refrigeration, efficiency, temperature, temperature difference, reservoirs, thermal capacity, heat flow, thermodynamic cycles

Citation: ASHRAE Trans. 1994, Vol.100, Part 1, Paper number 3777, 415-422, 7 figs., 6 refs.

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